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Latest Bitcoin News | Page 6

Bitcoin is a blockchain network with its own native cryptocurrency, which we all know as bitcoin (BTC). The Bitcoin network, created in 2009, was at the forefront of Proof of Work, a technology for reaching consensus on a decentralised network.

Bitcoin and its whitepaper were developed by pseudonym 'Satoshi Nakamoto'. It was the first blockchain database to be devised.

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Bitcoin ATMs to be Rolled Out by Walmart

by Author: Mark Harridge
24, October, 2021

Coming to a Walmart store (possibly) near you soon - Bitcoin ATMS! Pilot scheme could lead to 8,000 locations across the US.

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Bitcoin ETF Mania Rages on

by Author: Greyson Kelly
22, October, 2021

Excitement around the world’s first Bitcoin ETF (exchange traded fund) rages on, and there's more to come as further ETFs emerge.

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Tesla Records $51m Bitcoin Impairment Charge

by Author: Moni Talks
21, October, 2021

Among excellent results for Quarter 3, Tesla has recorded a $51 million impairment charge relating to its bitcoin holding.

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What Does the Bitcoin ETF Launch Mean?

by Author: Mark Harridge
20, October, 2021

The long-awaited Bitcoin ETF is here, finally launching in New York yesterday, but what does that mean for BTC and crypto?

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Bitcoin Future Value Prediction by the end of 2021

There's a lot of positivity around the value of bitcoin right now, but can it hit $80,000 by the end of the year?

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Bitcoin Breaks $60K for First Time Since April

by Author: Moni Talks
15, October, 2021

Bitcoin price has hit $60,000 for the first time since April this year, after reports of approved Bitcoin ETF trading.

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