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Latest Bitcoin News | Page 4

Bitcoin is a blockchain network with its own native cryptocurrency, which we all know as bitcoin (BTC). The Bitcoin network, created in 2009, was at the forefront of Proof of Work, a technology for reaching consensus on a decentralised network.

Bitcoin and its whitepaper were developed by pseudonym 'Satoshi Nakamoto'. It was the first blockchain database to be devised.

how many bitcoins are left to mine

How Many Bitcoins Are Left to Mine?

There is a strict limit on the number of Bitcoins that will ever be available. Here we reveal how many Bitcoins are left to mine.

bitcoin scams

Bitcoin Trader Scams - Best Practices to Avoid Them

Bitcoin Trader Scams are growing at a fast pace. This article shares the best practices to avoid scams.

new crypto coins

New Crypto Coins: Good News for Bitcoin?

Are new crypto coins - the next generation of altcoins - good or bad news for Bitcoin? Bitcoiners have their views, here are ours.

Bitcoin's growing Energy Problem

Bitcoin's Growing Energy Problem - All Revealed

This article reveals Bitcoin’s growing energy problem and the climate concern. Find out what the future holds for bitcoin server mining and investors.

bitcoin price

Bitcoin Price and Ethereum Price See 24hr Rise

Bitcoin (BTC) price rose above $30,613, up 5.62% in the last 24 hours. Ethereum (ETH) price also rose, increasing by 7.02% to $1,902 in the same period.

btc price

BTC Price: Bitcoin Update

BTC price is now trading at $28K, indicating that it is highly oversold, as evidenced by RSI levels around 30%.

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