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Bitcoin Miners Look Towards More Sustainable Energy

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Bitcoin miners in the mining industry are planning to move towards nuclear energy as pressure to go green increases.

According to Harry Sudok from GRIID, nuclear energy presents a 'tremendous opportunity to introduce enormous amounts of clean, carbon-free energy' to the base load. Sudok spoke at the Bitcoin and Beyond Virtual Summit earlier this month for American Bitcoin mining company, GRIID.

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Hopes for Nuclear Expansion

He said; “The growth rate is largely focused around solar and wind right now, and that’s just the reality of the programs that have been rolled out over the last 8-10 years. But what we’d love to see is an expansion of nuclear".

GRIID is a renewable energy company that specialises in solar and wind power. They have been mining since 2013 and offer full service to their customers who want to get involved with Bitcoin, but don't know how to start.

Benefits of Using Renewables

Sudok believes the industry needs widespread adoption of renewables before it can be successful globally. He also wants more people to understand the benefits of using renewables. He said; “We need to communicate all the positive things that are happening in renewable energy, not just reduced emissions".

Sudok claims that GRIID has experienced an exponential growth rate for 12 months. They have expanded their customer base and staff numbers during this period.

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Moni Talks

Author: Moni Talks

Moni Talks is a cryptocurrency trading exchange and social platform that is dedicated to the crypto community.

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